Come See Us!
The Vine is a collection of people from various spiritual backgrounds, all of whom believe the entire Bible - from Genesis to Revelation - is for all God's people. We honor the Sabbath, observe the Biblical Feasts, and eat Biblically clean. Most importantly, we believe that Jesus (Yeshua) is the Messiah of Israel and Savior of the world. As his disciples, we believe that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is the One, True God and that He is calling His people to return to Him and to His ways. That is why we meet on the Sabbath to praise, dance, study and fellowship..
What are your services like?
- We start services at 5:30 pm with a more contemporary worship. During this time you may see others raising hands, singing, dancing in a group led circle, or just sitting and enjoying a time dedicated to praising God.
- After the music worship service, we bless the children, who are our legacy and our greatest asset as a community. This is a time when all children are invited to the front and a “chuppah” or canopy is held over them to represent God’s blessings. As a community, we stand and say a special blessing over the girls and boys.
- Each week we engage in God’s word, usually in the form of a sermon, teaching, or presentation that dives into God’s word and revolves about Jesus (Yeshua) as our king and savior. Our hope is to teach about who Jesus (Yeshua) is and how He is found everywhere in the Bible.
Where should I park?
- There is a parking lot available near the church building.
Where should I go when I enter the building?
- We have greeters located at the front door who will welcome and direct you as you enter.
Do you provide childcare?
- We do not offer child care at this time, but we welcome and encourage you to include them in our worship service.
What should I wear?
- We are more concerned about you and your presence with us than we are with what you wear. As a church, we gather to worship the Lord and want to dress in a way that honors God. Most of our members wear something in the range of business formal to business casual.